Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Jun Chong's Trail + G Lambak's Trail = Sweat + Satisfaction

Yes, that is the right equation if we want to describe the combination of those two trails.

We did not ride during the weekend (13-14th Feb), due to many of our members had others commitments.  It was on the 16th, just two days after the Chinese New Year Calibration that we decided it was time to sweat.  We decided to marry those two trails to find out if we could handle both of them in one ride.

Fadli, Fairuz, Ahmad, Rosdie, Ham, Kadir and Amri were the raiders to try this married trail.

No need to write again about those two trails but if you missed it, check out this two links....The Complete Trail of Jun Chong and Going Downhill at Gunung Lambak.

Did not take a lot of pictures, but just want to share one video where Ahmd were maneuvering one of the steep slops of Jun Chong

By end of the ride, everybody was tired but that did not dampen their spirit to do it next time.