Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Kluang MTB Ride to Machap

The Ride : 'O...La...La' Ride to Machap Town with 80% of the ride is off-road

Distance : 51Km

Date : 8th November 2009

Take Off Time : 0800

Weather : 28C bright and sunny day

No of Riders : 6


machap 1

machap 2

machap 3

machap 3_1

machap 4

machap 5

machap 6

machap 7

machap 8

machap 9

machap 10

machap 11

machap 12

machap 13

machap 14

We arrived at Machap town around 0950 and quickly got ourselves refilled. The ride near Kg Rahmat was a challenge for every rider. We had to overcome seven small and medium hills until a flat off-road when entering the estate. After that, the ride was a breeze....

We called it the 'O...La....La....' ride caused it's more of a social or weekend ride. It's a get together with members to know how's everybody's doing. It's not a race or anything similar to that. The most important thing is, everybody enjoys the scenery and the ride.


ali said...

assalamualaikum bro,
I don't know about your ride to Machap. During that time i and a bunch of Kluang rider ride to Felda kahang Barat - kahang timur. Best thing is there are a few new rider following us. Bad thing is half of us use roadbike. Macam mau mati.

admin said...

We got 2 groups now in Kluang....one dedicated to MTB while the other is a mixed of road+mountain. Contact Bro Rosdie, next week they are planning a new route...I go balik KG!

amat said...

Kadir,13/12/09 ni rugi kalau ak join.Walaupun x grand tapi respons dari rider luar very positive.Insyaallah, ia akan berjalan sukses,starting from kedai makan Taman Intan-Machap-Bukit Benut-Taman Intan.Totally maybe more than 55 km.
Kalau ada berani 29/11 ni kita masuk dari Bukit Benut-sampai Machap Dam.Aku nak rekod mileage.

Fee entrance utk fun ride ni rm30.ada b'fast+lunch+t-shirt.ada sesapa yg berminat bole ctc aku 6012-7784627 @ Fadli 6013-6222605.

r u dare?


admin said...

Bro Ahmad, I wiilllll not miss that ride.....u want me to promo it ???