Wednesday, November 25, 2009


Kluang Mountain Bike Members at Top of G Lambak

Gunung Lambak is located in Kluang, Johor with its highest peak at around 510m above sea level. Last weekend, our weekend ride was to conquer the second peak of Gunung Lambak which is the location of TM’s microwave tower.

The beauty of riding up Gunung Lambak is that it’s not just the challenge but also the view it could offer when you reach the peak. You could see toward Jalan Mersing and also Jalan Gunung Lambak. You will appreciate more if you could reach there early in the morning when the sun is just about to rise.

When riding up a mountain, you just got to go at your own pace. Slowly but constantly paddling your bike. The road towards the top is not difficult to handle. It’s just like our normal road. Only at one portion of about 50m where the road is badly damaged. I struggled a bit when reaching this point because my legs started feeling tired and I was beginning to feel breathless.

If you could pass that stage, you woulf face a steep and long climb of about 200m. For me, that was the hardest part of the climb caused it was very very hard to control my breathing even though my legs were strong enough to carry me to the top.

Anyway, we all managed to reach the top either with riding our bike or the other way around. Of course, brother Ahmad was first caused he took off early!!....cheater....!!!!!

And I don’t have to tell you about thrill of doing the downhill. It was a breeezeee……. speed was closed to 50km/h.

The climb was a short one but you really sweat when you get to the top. With beautiful scenery to treat your eyes, plus soaking sweat body to flush away all the toxic in your body, plus cruising downhill at motorcycle's speed, you will always want to have this ride as your weekend climb.

Apek & Ayie fooling aroud at ground of G Lambak

Apek & Ayie ready to climb....

glk ride3

Rosdie & Fadli ....warming up

glk ride4

glk ride5
Rosdie & Fadli racing to the finished line....
glk ride6

I'm the first...sorry Ayie
glk ride7

glk ride8

]glk ride9

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Kluang MTB Ride to Machap

The Ride : 'O...La...La' Ride to Machap Town with 80% of the ride is off-road

Distance : 51Km

Date : 8th November 2009

Take Off Time : 0800

Weather : 28C bright and sunny day

No of Riders : 6


machap 1

machap 2

machap 3

machap 3_1

machap 4

machap 5

machap 6

machap 7

machap 8

machap 9

machap 10

machap 11

machap 12

machap 13

machap 14

We arrived at Machap town around 0950 and quickly got ourselves refilled. The ride near Kg Rahmat was a challenge for every rider. We had to overcome seven small and medium hills until a flat off-road when entering the estate. After that, the ride was a breeze....

We called it the 'O...La....La....' ride caused it's more of a social or weekend ride. It's a get together with members to know how's everybody's doing. It's not a race or anything similar to that. The most important thing is, everybody enjoys the scenery and the ride.